How Can You Help?

Above all we ask you to pray for the emotional recovery of those who have: 

  • Experienced or witnessed unspeakable assaults and frightening invasions of their homes and towns accompanied by the eerie shouts of “Allah Akhbar!” It means “God is greater!”
  • Those who have lost (i) The loss of loved ones who have been kidnapped or murdered (ii) The loss of homes, cars and property that was burnt to the ground
  • Immediate need of food, water, medical supplies
  • Temporary housing and relocation away from both Southern and Northern borders
  • Essential supplies for soldiers such as hygiene, flashlights, raincoats and more as the winter will soon set in which means colder nights, especially in the North.
  • Security equipment upgrades in kibbutz’, moshav’ and villages where people live closer together in areas closer to the West Bank and borders.

This is our family.

The most valuable thing we can send is the assurance that fellow Believers in America have their back. 

All of our support will initially be financial in a secure manner. At the same time, we are beginning the preparation of collecting supplies and funds to send  a container. This will be our fourth.

Everything we send will be through local believers whom we know personally.

This will be a means of introducing the love of Yeshua, especially to soldiers, who know little or nothing about him.




Here are some of the amazing things we will experience :

  • Visit several Biblical and historical sites
  • Meet Messianic Jewish Israelis and Arab Christians
  • Meet Messianic soldiers
  • Hear from Israeli ministry and congregational leaders
  • Join in worshiping the Lord with a Hebrew worship band
  • Float in the Dead Sea
  • Pray beside Israeli Jews at the Western Wall
  • Sail on the Sea of Galilee
  • Opportunity to be immersed in the Jordan River
  • View the Old City from the Mount of Olives
  • Take Communion in the Garden Tomb and much more
Join us! This will be 10 days you will never forget. ​

Comfort My People is a 501c3 non-profit.

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