Be'ad Chaim

Be’ad Chaim means “Pro-life in Hebrew, but it means much more to the Sandy Shoshani and her staff. Sandy has clearly declared that their goal is to end the practice of abortion in Israel. As they work toward that end, they meet a woman in the most sensitive season of her life when she is faced with an unwanted pregnancy. This is the moment when the ministry of Be’Ad Chaim shines the brightest, it is the place where deep need and divine compassion meet. BAC promises a pregnant woman who is in financial need and faces a future with a child she feels incapable of raising, to walk with her in tangible ways. They promise a stroller, crib and changing table along with diapers, formula if needed and baby clothes for one year as well as moral support and true friendship. We have seen this up close. The atmosphere at the office Be’Ad Chaim is safe, friendly, and welcoming. In the process of saving babies from abortion Sandy is working hard to educate the government and its citizens about the horrific consequences of ignoring and promoting a solution that has created blight on their land.

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